Invisalign Near You
It’s no surprise that Invisalign has evolved to become quite popular amongst dental patients; this treatment enhances the appearance of your entire smile while repairing and refining the functionality of your individual teeth.
If you’re curious about Invisalign in Langley and want to gather more information about this process, reach out to our local dental clinic today. Our staff will happily address all your questions and concerns.
Traditional Braces vs Invisalign
As many people are aware, traditional braces are composed of a metal framework, consisting of arch wires, brackets, and in some cases, tiny elastics. Though they are indeed very noticeable, this treatment is extremely effective. Dentists typically recommend it for patients who required complex adjustments.
Invisalign is arguably the most recognized form of clear aligner therapy, which is a unique form of orthodontic treatment. This method utilizes customized plastic trays; they exert pressure on your teeth, triggering cell regeneration and bone movement. Over the course of your treatment, you’ll be given new trays every 4-6 weeks; these exert continual force on your smile to ensure that they keep moving until they slide into a healthier position. Compared to metal braces, they’re significantly less noticeable and more suited to helping patients remedy minor changes.
Keep in mind that not everyone is eligible for both treatments. Before you can receive any official dental work, you will need to attend an introductory consultation with your orthodontist. They’ll perform a thorough evaluation and take x-rays of your teeth and gums, as well as discuss your previous dental history and expectations. At the end of this session, they’ll let you know if Invisalign is the best choice for you.
Benefits of Receiving Invisalign in Langley
- It’s subtle. No need to worry about embarrassment or feeling anxious when talking to your friends; no one will notice them!
- They’re removable. That’s right! Unlike traditional braces, you’re meant to slip out your trays during mealtimes.
- You don’t need to change your diet.
- Patients of any age can wear them.
- They’re comfortable. The plastic used to design your trays is high-quality and won’t irritate your oral tissues.
- Fewer dental checkups. With traditional braces, you’ll typically need to come in every 3-4 weeks; Invisalign checkups are every 4-6 weeks.
Visit Our Local Dental Clinic Today
At Cornerstone Dental Centre, we offer Invisalign near you. You deserve to have a smile you love, and there’s no better way to enhance your teeth than through orthodontic care.
Ready to set up an appointment? Call, send an email, or drop by our dental practice in person to do so.