5 Most Painful Dental Problems: How to Reduce the Pain

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5 Most Painful Dental Problems: How to Reduce the Pain

Many individuals skip visiting the dentist each year for the primary reason that they are afraid of discomfort. That implies that none of those folks are likely to have the attractive, healthy smile they desire. What if, from childhood, only everyone understood that visiting the dentist—even a cosmetic dentist—didn’t have to hurt?

Visiting your dentist in Langley for a regular dental checkup can help you take precautions against any major dental issues.

  • Toothache

The most frequent cause of tooth pain is tooth decay. Plaque, a bacterial film that sticks to teeth, is to blame for this. These bacteria produce acids that can erode tooth enamel when they feed on sugar and carbs. The more delicate layers of the tooth become visible as the protective enamel wears away. This can cause the tooth to become sensitive to temperature changes and subsequently develop cavities.

The majority of the time, tooth decay may be avoided by practicing basic oral hygiene and reducing your intake of sweets. During your routine checkup and cleaning, your dentist or hygienist can remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Fillings, inlays, or onlays can be used to remedy cavities.

  • Damaged Tooth

Despite being the strongest portion of the body, teeth can nevertheless be hurt by biting down on something hard, by unexpected impacts, or by injuries sustained during sports, falls, or car accidents. The discomfort from a chipped or cracked tooth frequently intensifies.

A broken tooth should still be addressed by a dentist near you, even if you aren’t in pain, to avoid bacterial infections.  Dentists can use composite bonding to fix minor cracks or damage.  Larger chips, cracks, or fractures may require the placement of a crown over the tooth. Wearing a personalized mouthguard while playing sports may reduce injuries.

  • Gum Disease

Gum issues can also present as toothaches. When dental plaque reaches the gum line, it can cause gum disease, a bacterial infection of the gums. Your gums may feel irritated or bleed when you wash your teeth in the early stages of gingivitis.

If left untreated, this can progress into periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease. This may result in tooth loss or even cause the gums to retreat, exposing the delicate tooth roots. Often, gingivitis can be managed by simply maintaining better dental hygiene at home and visiting the dentist regularly for checkups. Deep scraping and root planing procedures or, in more severe circumstances, gum surgery may be necessary to treat periodontitis and eradicate microorganisms.

  • Missing Tooth

Usually, a tooth’s growth hurts. When a tooth doesn’t erupt regularly, it may become impacted, which can worsen the pain and increase the risk of infection. If there isn’t enough room in your jaw for an additional tooth, this may happen when your wisdom teeth erupt. A baby tooth can occasionally stay in place and prevent a permanent tooth from erupting.

Depending on your circumstances, impacted tooth treatment may entail Until the tooth emerges, use a painkiller or numbing gel. Removal of gum tissue to allow tooth emergence removing a tooth to make room for a replacement Removing an infected wisdom tooth.

  • Tooth Grinding

Bruxism is the term for teeth grinding or clenching at night or throughout the day. If the issue isn’t managed, this can put stress on your teeth and result in discomfort, wear, or even injury.  Treatment for bruxism includes addressing both the source and the symptoms. Your Langley dentist might advise use of a night guard to stop teeth grinding while you’re sleeping.  Treatment with dental or orthodontic appliances to realign a crooked bite

Talk With Our Cornerstone Dental Dentist

If you’re experiencing dental pain or if you have a toothache, you should visit our dentist because it could indicate a number of medical issues. Call us right away to make an appointment with one of our dentists. You can also schedule an appointment online.